Oct 8, 2007

Half Moon Bay, California

Half Moon Bay is were Mommy and Daddy met, fell in love, and got engaged. They still have close friends there, and like to go there to visit. We have gone to the beach before, but this is the first time we have done the "famous HMB sites." There are three things that Half Moon Bay is famous for...they are San Benito sandwiches, pumpkins, and Mavericks. We had lunch at the San Benito House, they have famous sandwiches because they are made with fresh homemade bread. YUMMM!!!
After lunch we went to the Great Pumpkin Patch. Man, were there a lot of pumpkins. We took a train ride, and then each picked out a pumpkin to take a give to Aunt Tara and Uncle Lou-fer (two of mommy's and daddy's friends).
Then we went over to Mavericks Beach. The famous beach were waves are super high, it is a surfers heaven. Daddy was no fun he wouldn't let us play in the water.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the family portrait!!