May 30, 2008

Big BIG Boy Underwear

Finally, after a little set back after Reyna was born, I am wearing big boy underwear. As you can see I am very excited about this. Today, I got to wear "Cars" underwear. There is a really big 'Mater (the tow truck from the movie) across my hinnie. Speaking of hinnies, the other day I said my Mommy's new favorite "Frankie Quote". You see, I just went poo poo on the potty for the first time, and was very proud of myself (not to mention I got THREE stickers) so I decided to try again. I sat on my potty, and pushed and grunted, and pushed some more, but nothing came out. Finally I gave up, and said "I am sorry Mommy, I can't go poo poo, my hinnie is broken."

PS NOTE FROM MOMMY: Of course after I posted this, Frankie's hinnie started his new cars underwear. He went over a week without any problems, and then today....AHHHH! I am getting very frustrated. Please are there any ideas of how to make this an easier process?

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