Jun 29, 2008


On our way to the Poconos I had a couple couple coughing attacks that I stopped breathing and turned several shades of red, and then would throw up everywhere. Mommy was a bit nervous, and so she called the doctor's help line. The doctor advised her to take her to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, after all we already were in Philly. She took her in and describe the events to the doctor, and he listened to me have another coughing fit. The doctor said it was either one of two things. Either I had post nasal drip, and just needed to be cleared out, or I had Pertussis (Whooping Cough in babies) and would have to be admitted for two to three days because it could be fetal in some cases. They had to take a chest Xray, and have some blood work done. (I did NOT like the needle being drawn, and cried every time the nurse came in afterwards.) All the test came back clear, and they sent me home. What a way to start a vacation!!

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