Jul 3, 2008

I'm a Jolly Jumper

Yesterday, Mommy and Daddy set up the Jolly Jumper for me. Let me just say I LOVE IT! I sit in there and am right in the middle over everything. I can turn one way and watch Mommy cook dinner, and then turn the other way and watch ESPN Sports Center with Daddy. I am able to play with Frankie and Marianna, (Mommy just has to watch that hey don't spin me like I am in a tire swing.) and watch them run all over the house. Mommy took picture of me enjoying me new toy (at this time I was bouncing to the music that was playing on the radio), and then she looked over at me not even ten minutes later and took this one...
Mommy and Daddy both laugh, I can't sleep in my comfortable bed, but I can sleep standing up. They have a picture of both Frankie and Marianna doing the same thing.
Gotta love the "Jumper"!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we have a picture somewhere of Micah asleep standing up. Now he's 19! Crazy!

Love you guys!