May 24, 2009

Climbing things...

Marianna and Reyna love to climb, as you could tell from here and here. It seems like Mommy and Daddy are always getting them off of things. Well, this past two weeks has been no different.

  • Last Tuesday, we were all playing out side (Daddy was gardening out with us). Next thing we all heard was Reyna crying. When we checked on her she was bleeding out of her mouth, so Mommy picked her up and started to help her clean up. It turned out that she put her top teeth through the top of her tongue...AND put her bottom teeth through the bottom of her tongue...and then her teeth got stuck. When Mommy and Daddy looked they thought she was missing her two bottom teeth, but after closer look they saw they were wrong. Mommy gave her to Daddy telling him to get the teeth and tongue separated, but no luck. It was then they decided to go to the ER. Luckily as they were getting shoes on everyone, Reyna was able to get it unstuck, and the bleeding stopped. Apparently Reyna climbed up on my tricycle, behind Daddy's back, and stood up on the seat.
  • Yesterday, when we were supposed to be taking a nap, Mommy heard a loud thump. She jumped up and ran in the girls room expecting to find Reyna having climbed out of her crib (it wouldn't be the first time). Instead she found Marianna on the floor with her dresser on her. She had her feet sticking out and all the drawers were coming out. Daddy came in to help rescue her, and she was okay, and we didn't have to take her to the ER either.

What will they climb next?

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