Sep 21, 2007

One small step...

I have been trying to walk for three or four months now, by walking along the couch, the wall, Frankie, or anything else I can use to keep my balance. I started taking two or three steps on my own about a month and a half ago, but then I would always fall down. Well, this past week it has all finally clicked. I am off and walking. I still fall down, but not as much. I take about 10 steps and then I fall. I am so excited that I can get across the room to a toy, and not have to crawl. I know Uncle Daniel and Aunt Ivanka will be excited because I am suppose to walk down the aisle as the flower girl for their wedding (I still may need a little help from Daddy).

1 comment:

Aunt Charlotte said...


It is so much fun for us older folks to watch a child learning to walk. The expressions are priceless. Great that your mom and dad are taking plenty of movies.

I'll bet you enjoy seeing Uncle Daniel and Aunt Ivanka again.

Love, Aunt Charlotte