Apr 19, 2008

John Deere

For my birthday, I got two John Deere tractors. Mommy put them away for me to play with later. I found them yesterday, and had Mommy open them right away. They are super cool, and I really love them. I have so much fun pushing them around in our backyard. I crawl around in the dirt, and scoop it up, and then put it in the tractor trailer. I don't know which is more fun playing with my tractors, or just playing in the dirt. Mommy laughed at me, because my shirt is a John Deere shirt, that says "Play in the Dirt". Well, I guess I am living up to that part. Yep, another bath tonight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Frankie,
I can understand what fun you have playing "trucks" in the dirt. When I was young, I loved taking several Hot Wheel type cars and a large spoon into the almond field. I would clear paths and make roads and a tunnel or two. Also, I loved making "mud pies" but that's another story.
Aunt Lori