Sep 22, 2008

Not Me

What a week we had! When Mommy asked us who made this week so much "fun",

Reyna said, "It wasn't me who woke you up twice a night every night this week, crying so loud that Frankie and Marianna woke up too. Nope, it wasn't me. It must be the other baby around here."

Marianna said, "It wasn't me who decided that I am too old for naps, and gave them all up by myself. Even though Mommy told me that if I don't have a nap, I will be very grouchy come dinner time. It wasn't me who decided that I should play and run around instead. And it defiantly wasn't me who was grouchy for dinner, and needed to spend some time in time out instead of the dinner table. Come on now, I am way to cute to do any of that."

Frankie said, "It wasn't me who got myself dressed (in a new pair of dress jeans), and then went outside to play and got covered in dirt, then decided I had enough so I came back in. Got changed and go back out, and play in the dirt again. Nope, it wasn't me who went through four changes of clothes in just one day. I love my Mommy to much to make that much laundry for her."

Mommy isn't sure who is to blame for the week we had, after all it is "Not Me Monday"

1 comment:

Mrs. H said...

Oh, now that was really cute!