Oct 6, 2008

Not Me

Once again, it is Monday. Mommy loves Monday, because it is a time for her to get information out of us. She hopes that we will get something, anything, but as always, the forth child in our house "Nobody", has been very busy.
Reyna--I didn't pick up a cold (bad cough, and YUCKY snotty nose) at our church nursery last week, and then decided to spread it to the rest of our family, only give it to them worse than what I had. It didn't only take me three days to get over it, and poor Marianna and Frankie seven (and counting). That would be just mean, and I am not mean.
Marianna--I didn't have a snotty noes, and wiped it with my hand, and then rubbed my hands through my hair, causing my hair to get really hard and crusty. That's SNOT something I would do, I was just inventing a new hairstyling product. I will be have a patent pending soon.
Frankie--I wasn't me who had the conversation with Daddy, where someone asked him to check their underwear to see if they had pooped in it, and when Daddy refused telling me that I would know if I pooped in my pants, pulled down my pants in the middle of the living room, looked and said "Oh, I just burped". Nope that wasn't me! That would just be embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

lol-no I just burped. How cute is that..

Jennifer said...

Frankie is cracking me up! Great post!