Oct 27, 2008

Not Me....

This week is a true "Not Me" Monday, that Mommy and Daddy both still are scratching their heads about....
Last week Mommy and Daddy helped us carve pumpkins. We had a great time as a family, and then it was bed time. While Mommy and Daddy were going around getting pajamas out for us, and cleaning up the pumpkin guts, SOMEONE got the black sharpie out and drew on the pumpkins, and then put the pen back. When Mommy and Daddy discovered the pumpkins, they had two questions ... the first was who "decorated" the pumpkins after we were done carving them, and the second was what else did they "decorate"?
Daddy seems to think that it was Frankie, because the decorating was similar to other projects that he did, and the pen was put back.
Mommy seems to think that it was Marianna, because she drew on her palm with the marker, something that she always does when she gets her hand on a marker.
When asked....the answer was "No...Not Me!!"


elizabeth embracing life said...

I would love to see pictures of the phantom artist. I still have the remains of black sharpie on our nightstand, which was only a week old when my child, under the care of his responsible older sister, marked it up. Her response....I was wondering why he was so good. Don't you just love sharpie.

Anonymous said...

My vote is for Papa Frank releasing his inner urge to just...draw on something! ;-)
