Dec 29, 2008

Christmas Season

So this month has been very busy for all of us, and we haven't been very good at blogging all of the super fun stuff that we have been doing, and so Mommy wrote this little poem full of all of our activities.

'Twas the Christmas season, and all was a flutter at the Mazza house,
All the members were busy, even Reyna the little mouse;
It all started with Daddy, Mommy and the kids, all three,
Loading in the van to find that perfect Christmas tree.
Hanging outside lights and decorating our special sprout.
Reyna Marie found herself in her first “Time Out”
The smell of homemade cookies and a evergreen tree were in the air,
While hand painted Christmas paper they needed to prepare.
At Mom Mom’s they made a rice crispy house, that was fine and dandy,
Marianna had fun eating all of the decorating candy.
Frankie decorated on his countdown calendar shinning stars,
As he counted down the days until he got his new guitar.
The older children sung of mangers, angels and bells.
The real story of CHRISTmas their songs did tell.
The family went on our traditional holiday drive,
To see Van Meters “House of Lights” come alive.
Then Daddy loaded up in Pop’s truck,
To Virginia they went, this time to hunt duck.
Good thing Gran and Grandpa were going to arrive.
Without them or Daddy, Mommy might not have survived.
Mommy, Gran, Mom Mom, and Reyna when Christmas shopping,
While Grandpa, Marianna and Frankie went to play at Burger King.
To church we went, and we each got a special treat.
A candy necklace! Oh how sweet!
Wanting to wrap Daddy’s present just right.
Marianna and the tape got in a major fight.
Frankie loved playing in the big box,
And Reyna Marie, lost her sock.
The kids made a “Grandpa Pile",
And then had to hold it for picture. “Everyone smile.”
One night while Grandpa was taking his nap,
Santa came to visit us, and had us sit on his lap.
He gave Frankie the set to Jay Jay the Jet Plane,
I knew he was your favorite Santa tried to explain.
And what did he get Marianna…try to take a guess.
It was a blue beautiful Cinderella dress.
For Reyna is was a dog that liked to sing,
Yet again, Santa knew the right thing.
Then Santa said good-bye and was gone,
Just as Grandpa came out with a big yawn.
A few days later,
Was the eve of the birth of the Son of our Creator.
Leaving Christmas Eve service by candle light,
On to our family get together, were we would celebrate into the night.
Then off to bed a little past eight,
And settled into our bed for the great night of wait.
Reyna woke up half past five.
Christmas morning had finally arrived.
Oh My! The presents under the tree were quite shocking,
The first job was to open was our stockings.
Mickey toys, Airplane, toothbrush, and a musical CD,
And now on to the presents under the tree.
Frankie got a guitar and a race car track that went real fast,
We played with it all morning, it sure was a blast.
Marianna got a shopping cart full of food, a Cinderella princess bear,
And a Sleeping Beauty Doll with silky yellow hair.
Reyna got a doll, a crib toy, and a walker ready for her to run,
Now the walking fun has just begun.
Then Mom Mom and Pop Pop came on by,
With more presents for us to open--oh me oh my.
Frankie got a big digging back-hoe with a big scoop,
With one look at it, and he gave a big “Whoop”.
Marianna got a princess skirt, shirt and bed set,
Oh and Princess Marianna pajamas, how could we forget?
Reyna Marie got the traditional rocking chair in red.
With her name on top it said.
At bed time the kids got to sleep under the tree,
Of course they would disagree,
Up playing till way past ten,
Only 365 days until we can do it over again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Mazza 5! Thanks Maura for the poem and pictures. Fun to be a part of your Christmas celebrations.

Love you!