Oct 24, 2009

Carving up a Smile

On Thursday, we pulled out the blanket and carved the pumpkins we got earlier this week. It was great. At first the girls were a little nervous about putting their hands in the pumpkin guts, they really didn't like the slimey stuff, and hey to be honest, I wasn't thrilled with it. But it is a job that has to be done.
Reyna wanted to carve her little pumpkin, but Daddy said it was to small, and so he made a comprise with her and drew a pumpkin face on it for her.

So here is our three pumpkins all lite up and ready to go. (The third one was one that we got from the Johnson Farm a few weeks ago.)

1 comment:

Aunt Charlotte said...

Hi all,

It looks like everyone had a fun, fun day at the pumpkin patch.

It seemed to me that the picture of Reyna holding the little pumpkin looks like Daniel. Funny thing . . . John came into the room and asked who she was. Before I could answer, he said that she looks like Daniel!!!

I hope that you all have a great Halloween!

Love, Aunt Charlotte