Sep 12, 2010

A Cloudy Day

We started our home school year a few weeks ago, and I am so excited for this year. The main reason I am excited is because we changed curriculum. My Father's World, is much more hands on and science based instead of the one we used last year which was more book/seat work based.

So this week we were learning the letter "S", and the sun. we talked about how the Sun is the light of the world just like Jesus (the Son) is the light of the world. We got out our globe and using a flash light talked about how the Earth rotates around the Sun, and watch the Sun's path, and the Earth spins. We put a grape out in the Sun, and the recorded our observations as it transformed into a raisin. And, then on Friday we made this....

A sundial. We were going to be tracking the Sun across the sky, and talk about how in the day of Grandpa, they used sundials, instead of watches. (just kidding Grandpa, you aren't THAT old). We were going to be out there every hour, charting the path of the shadow of the crayon, as the Sun passed over head, and then make predictions as to where the shadow would be in an hour. It started out great, but there was one REALLY BIG PROBLEM that day.....

A really big cloud formed in the sky, and there went the experiment. (It is very hard to track the shadow of the sun, when it is behind a cloud)

Frankie tried to follow it, he waited patiently, but eventually he gave up and went to play soccer, and then raced back to the sundial if the sun broke through for a second.

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