Sep 8, 2010

No Hands...

Frankie got a hula-hoop, and with a little bit of practice, he got pretty good. (I do wish we would have made a video of him practicing...HILARIOUS, but of course, I wouldn't post that here...nah)Anyway, Frankie got his hoop going, and then he would yell, "Look, Momma, LOOK!!! I would look up, and the hoop would fall. Finally, I was able to get the him in action.

Of course watching, her big brother do the new trick with the hoop, and knowing that she can do EVERYTHING that he can do, my little baby picked up the hoop, and tried to take make it spin. She also said, "Look, Momma, Look"....but with Reyna, I was able to see her "spin" her hoop...using her hands. All the same she was still proud of herself.

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